Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Psychology Chronicles

Why I have opted for Psychology for my Masters programme, is still an unsolved mystery to me and my kin. Replying candidly and what might seem in a slapstick manner, I can simply say that I opted for Psychology due to my immense interest in it (any objections!!!). But being a Pakistani I will say that I chose this field for the social, political and moral betterment of the general public. You see it’s a common trend in Pakistanis to always claim they want to render undying contributions in the interest of society or the country. Politicians undertake certain actions in the vast national ‘interest’. Corporate institutions charge maximum possible ‘interest’ on public welfare or noble causes and thus students like me tend to develop a keen ‘interest’ in a field alien to them. That’s how ‘interest’ works.

When I finally honoured the University campus after the tiresome written tests, interviews and waiting to see my name listed in the successful candidates, I was shocked to see the presence of perennially prejudiced ATMs (not ATM cards but Average Testosterone Males) goggling their eyes and passing jeering comments, doubting I had that sacrosanct macho ego because I was joining a department in which there were mainly females. And trust me; if it wasn’t for the fact that my naturally somewhat beefy build was enough to impress my university colleagues, the situation was volatile enough to test my boxing skills. Thankfully my Kashmiri genetic predisposition saved me from gaining the repute of a sandbag. In college I always tried to maintain myself as a mere innocent non-partisan student of Psychology without crossing swords with these celestial souls, but to no avail they remain as prejudiced as ever before.

Talking of prejudice, one is repeatedly reminded of certain issues that have arisen in our so-called patriarchal society, of feminists lamenting and drawing attention of the whole world to the dreadful inequality and suppression they are subjected to in this land (Gosh! Poor victims). But for yours truly, in the words of the poet Shelley, “To me the cup has been dealt in another measure.” In this department I experienced a totally different situation, which called upon all my abilities for the preservation of my basic human rights to get through the day. I used to face the continuous threat of harassment from bands of the fair gender towards a single Me. Well time passed and gradually I became used to it or rather learned to rise above the possible threats as this was essential for my survival, more essential than Darwin’s ‘Survival of the Fittest’.

My epic adventures don’t cease after college hours, but took various forms and questions. I remember people often asked me why I had opted for a ‘Larkion wala subject’? I swear to anyone who comes up to me with this question that if ever God had assigned Psychology to only the fair gender, I may not have chosen it (by the way, read other possibilities with the word ‘may’).
It is said that bad company earns you a bad name and it may sounds ridiculous to you that by opting for Psychology, I also tended to earn a weird image among others. People seemed to stop regarding me as a normal human being, and looked on me like someone who has come from an alien planet and has the uncanny ability to envision the hidden secrets of everyone’s heart, with the conviction that my knowledge gave me powers greater than the magical incarnations of mystical clairvoyants and soothsayers.

Another common and popular idea people had, which frankly even I used to enjoy, was that in the end every psychologist also tends to become mad. I still remember the wails of my Nanny when my sister told her that I was going to be “Pagalon ka doctor” (psychologist). She asked my mother to make me study anything except Psychology, as I was already mad and after studying this subject then surely I would become completely and irredeemably mad. But a stubborn head like me, I was determined to complete my Masters in Psychology and that’s what I did.

And that’s how, I ended up doing what I am doing right now; writing articles for a magazine. Life takes new twists and turns. Studying Psychology was one and joining the media was another, both pursuits are extensions and expressions of my own self as both define me. Therefore, I feel that in life it is necessary to explore different facets and dimensions of your personality and provide outlets for expressing them, disregarding what others may say or believe, and trust me, you are better off with it.

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